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QiGong and Gentle Somatics

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Weekly live classes currently offered:

Sunday QiGong and Qi Meditation No Classes currently scheduled Appropriate for any level practitioner, this gentle jiggling form combined with easy to learn movements from the small village Mt. EMei Lineage School of Internal Martial Arts is the foundational method of energy cultivation for healing and transformation. It is a potent vessel of energy medicine for creating spaciousness in the “Spiritual Gates” (joints) and tissues thus allowing harmonious energy flow throughout the body. Please bring a pillow and a blanket to integrate with Napping QiGong. Suggested donation $15-25, Venmo: @jaydemaiolmt OR PayPal.me/demaiolmt

TuGuNaXin Meditation No Classes Currently scheduled TuGuNaXin can be theoretically translated as “release Old Life energy, breathe in New Life Energy”. This classic Dao Lineage meditation irrigates, harmonizes and brightens the energies within our organ systems through toning, mantras, mudras and color visualizations. Each class we gently settle into alignment and meditate briefly on the Dragon Gate Hidden Lineage Sacred Poetry before beginning TuGuNaXin. Please bring a cushion, pillow or comfortable chair and a blanket to practice and sit or lie down for 75 mins. QiGong, Pranayama or Internal Alchemy Meditation is required for this class. To register, please email: jaydemaio77@gmail.com. Suggested donation: $15-25 Venmo: @jaydemaiolmt OR PayPal.me/demaiolmt

NEW IN PERSON! 2024 Seasonal Five Elements Workshops at Needle in a Haystack Acupuncture Clinic, Northgarden, VA - Dates TBD

Jay DeMaio Jay guides Qigong as a gentle, deep internal awareness experience of "feeling and healing". A longtime practitioner of Dao Lineage rooted Qigong and Chinese Internal Martial Arts,  Jay holds a five-year certificate of training from Blue Willow World Healing Center. He continues to train in the traditional Daoist Way as a student-disciple of Master Zhongxian Wu, a recognized Lineage holder of 4 Daiost Internal Martial Arts schools. He has received Master Wu’s blessing to guide Qigong classes. He offers small group lessons and One on one Qigong Lessons.    


Toes root down with a baby grip of the earth/floor, knees slightly bent, press your lower belly inward, lift your perinium to close your Earthly Door (see below), keep your Heavenly Gate open (see below), mouth closed, teeth closed and gently touching, tongue behind the upper front tooth ridge, eyelids hanging softly like curtains, shoulders relaxed, arms relaxed, observe within, listen within


Qi: Medicinal Healing Energy OR Life Energy

Gong: Symbolizes Breath, Mindful Cultivation and Work Done with Correct Alignment

Earthly Door: (Root Chakra) — An energy seal between the legs (CV 1 acupuncture point). During standing postures, we maintain our Earthly Door sealed so that we create internal energy circulation throughout our meridians (energy channels). Leaning back on the heels or leaning in misalignment leaves our Earthly Door slightly ajar, nudging us slightly out of our unique, Physio-Universal alignment. Misalignment can “leak” our energy rather than refill, circulate and internally apply it for healing. It is important that this foundations of Qigong are mastered before progressing to the “flow state” TaiJi/QiGong movements. By baby gripping the earth with our toes, we stay on the balls of our feet and knuckles of our toes which contain the lumbrical muscles whose job it is to help keep our body in alignment.

During movement, simply focusing on the Lower DanTian will naturally keep the Earthly Door closed. There is no need to focus on the closing our Earthly Door because the undulation of our DanTian will naturally keep us in ideal alignment during movement. “DanTian moves, everything follows” is the principle of all movement to preserve our joints and sustain harmonious Qi flow throughout our body.

Heavenly Gate: (AKA Crown Chakra) — While in standing posture, we imagine our Heavenly Gate opening and all of our hair follicles of our head reaching toward the Heavens/Stars. We visualize our Heavenly Gate lifting up the the vertebrae in our spine, lifting the weight of our head off of our shoulder and the weight of our shoulders off of our backs. Our body from the waist up, flowing like bamboo branches, our body from the waist down, strongly rooted like bamboo trunks.

DanTian: Often translated as our energy “Elixir Field” or “Cauldron”. There are 3 DanTians in the body: Lower, Upper and Middle. In Qigong, when we say “DanTian” we are generally referring to the Lower DanTian located 3-4 finger widths below the naval. Our Middle DanTian is located at the middle of the chest/sternum. Our Upper DanTian is located in the middle of the brain around the Pineal and Pituitary Axis.

“Heng” Mantra: The breath sound or mantra “Heng” symbolizes Thunder, Sacrificial Offering, Aligning Body and Spirit, Merging Heaven with Earth or the Initial Commencement of Being from Non Being. With the mouth closed and teeth relaxing, gently together, exhale with the sound “Heng”. Relax torso and lower belly and simply explore feeling the vibration as if it is originating from your DanTian.